The Spanish Civil War was the stage for important connections between Spain and Paraguay because a small number of Paraguayans took part in this seminal conflict of Spain’s modern history and because Paraguayan society and diplomacy responded to events there. Within the country, during the first months of the fascist military uprising, progressives as well as the official representatives of the Paraguayan state mobilized to win support for the legitimate government of Spain, although this changed as events in Europe developed.
The two traditional political parties: the Colorados and the Liberals, maintained an arranged silence – to avoid antagonizing the potential victor – while the Communists called for active solidarity with the struggle of the Spanish people in defence of Spain’s Republican regime and democratic system. For their part, both Paraguayan society and the Spanish colony in the country were divided. In general terms, the poorer classes, unions and progressive intellectuals were more likely to support the Republic and the rule of law in Spain, while the wealthy, the military, and the clergy favoured the rebels.
This section contains a variety of objects that refer to diverse aspects of the relation between Paraguay and the Spanish Civil War. These documents make it possible to analyze features such as the ideology of the Paraguayan combatants, the social support for the two sides, diplomatic asylum, the emotional dimensions of the war, and the difficulties of conducting research on the topic.